Electrospinning is a method to fabricate various nanostructures (fibers, ribbons, tubes, cables, etc.). One of the main areas of research at nanomative has been electrospinning and various aspects of electrospinning are dealt with.
Delamination in carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites is a common problem. Nevertheless laminate interfaces can be significantly toughened through electrospinning thermoplastic nanofibers on the prepregs before curing. Interfaces can also be "hybridized" with use of multiple materials as interface tougheners. Novel hybridization strategies is an active research area at nanomative.
About 80% of chemical and pharmaceutical products go through a powder form at some stage of their manufacture. Powder processing is an expertise area of nanomative. Starting from the fundamentals to engineering concepts we deal with different aspects of powder processing.
Tissue engineering approaches aim for the repair and/or production of damaged natural tissues and/or organs in laboratory conditions. Without doubt it constitutes the most popular area of today's biomedicine and bioengineering. The design of "hybrid" scaffolds that can mimic the structure and biological functions of the natural extracellular matrix (ECM) is a challenge we have taken on as nanomative.
Our expertise in synthesis of air drying dentritic resins, inorganic and special effect pigments, fluorescent dyes and functional coatings with improved scratch resistance has led to our current projects related to paint technology.